Performance times:
Wed, Sept. 3: Pay-What-You-Will Preview ($5 minimum) at 8:15 p.m.
Thurs, Sept. 4: Opening Night Celebration at 8:15pm: featuring a talkback with the actors, director and special guests followed by a reception with South African food and drink: $20 with proceeds benefiting Little Green Pig
Fri-Sat, Sept. 5-6 & Wed-Sat, Sept. 10-13 at 8:15 p.m., Sun, Sept. 7 at 3:15pm
Tickets: $12 on Wed/Thur,
$17 on Fri/Sat/Sun
$8 student rush for performances Sept.5-13
Reservations: Manbites Dog Box Office or call #(919) 682-3343.
All performances are at Manbites Dog Theater.