Fistful of Love  


May 15-31, 2008

A co-production with Manbites Dog Theater

Adapted from the plays of Charles L. Mee

Featuring Monica Byrne, Donnis Collins, Jane Holding, Lormarev Jones, Elizabeth Phillips, Dana Marks, Tom Marriott, Ron Quander, Rajeev Rajendran, Lucius Robinson, and LaMark Wright

With music by Jason Fagg, Bart Matthews & Lamont Reed

Designed by Emily Hower & Steve Tell

Directed by Jay O'Berski

Fifty runaway grooms seek asylum in idyllic Italy only to be hunted down by the fifty brides they've been promised to. The impossibility of modern love and marriage plays out sensually and savagely in a tango smackdown of love and death. A play so full of love it takes two companies to produce!

Check out our youtube trailer

This was the stunning "Wedding War" climax of the show as directed by Jim Haverkamp and photographed by Matt Hedt

Manbites Dog (703 Foster St., Durham)

May 15-31, 2008